Saturday, April 27, 2013

What Is Your Relationship With Money?

We’ve talked here about relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and even with your Self. But have you ever considered what your relationship is with money? Science has taught us for years that everything, in the seen and unseen, is energy. And quantum physics has taken that concept further and has proven that we are all “entangled” with all the energy that is, and that energy of similar vibratory frequency is attracted to itself. We also know that all energy has consciousness, so it follows that money is energy and money has consciousness. As consciousness, therefore, the vibration of money is a living thing, not just some ink on paper or a number in your bank account.

So consider, for a moment, how your consciousness relates to the consciousness of money. What is your attitude toward money? How do you treat money as the consciousness that it clearly is? Is your vibration toward money such that you will attract it to you or repel it from you?

To help you assess your relationship with money, think of it as a lover. The kind of lover that you are always so excited to see, to spend time with, to share your experiences with. A lover that you are so drawn to that you want to share them with everyone you know. Someone that, when you’re with them, you are joyful and excited about the things you are going to do together.

Now imagine your lover showing up at your door. What if you were to greet them like this?  "Well it's about time! I’ve been sitting here waiting for you forever! I thought you would bring more with you when you came. I never get enough of you to feel comfortable, satisfied or safe. Oh well, come on in, I have some bills to pay."

Then, after your lover has paid your mortgage or rent and your phone, cable, power bills and anything else that you have to pay, what if you said "Is that all that’s left?! How am I going to buy groceries, and gas for the car? The kids need this and that! What if something unexpected comes up? I'm putting you in the closet (my bank account) and I don’t want you to come out unless it is absolutely necessary!"

And so, you lock up your lover in the closet, begrudging every time you have to crack the door open and let them out, a little bit here, a little bit there. They want so badly to treat you to something special, an afternoon latte, a dinner out, a massage, but each time you deny them their wish because they are simply not enough.

If you were to treat a lover in that manner, how excited do you think they would be to hang out with you? To show up unexpectedly? To shower you with not only the necessities of life but to gift you with what you consider the luxuries? They are more likely to say "You know what? No matter how much I come around, it's never enough for you. You don’t appreciate who I am or anything I do for you. You've made me responsible for your happiness. You've made me responsible for your self image. You’ve made me responsible for your very well being. You are way too needy for me, so… Sayonara!"

You may consider this an extreme or bizarre scenario, but from an energetic perspective, that is what you are doing when you are financially "needy", and look to money to satisfy any aspect of who you are.  

Science has shown that the Universe is always inclusive and ever abundant. But you need to tune your vibrational frequency in to the frequency of the "radio station" playing the music of money you want to experience. So take notice of how you feel about money, your beliefs about money and ask yourself who does this belief belong to? Who programmed me with this belief? You may find that by contemplating money as an experience rather than something outside of yourself, it may just come knocking on your door from unexpected places.

Until next time,

P.S. Please share your views, experiences, and comments or pose questions about the above by posting a comment below. Also, please share around on Facebook or Twitter by clicking on the appropriate icons below. A lively discussion will benefit all!
P.P.S. Please check out the "Events" tab above for a weekend workshop. We will be covering many topics which will help you gain greater control over your life and your experience of it!

1 comment:

  1. My beliefs about $ have always been centred around $ being a tool to be used in a responsible way to sustain the family and help others and, in this way, it continues to flow and the need is met. Now about 'want' is not as clear as it feels selfish and self serving. Can you elaborate on 'want' as opposed to 'need' Sharon? Thank you so much for your inspired blog!
    Elin <3
